In preparation for the launch of the Web 3.0 era’s creator support platform with content management, NFT market place, matching and more, coming this spring!

In preparation for the launch of the Web 3.0 era’s creator support platform with content management, NFT market place, matching and more, coming this spring!

Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting provides full support for system construction. Available to coincide with the opening of SSFF & ASIA in June. Introduction of Web 3.0 service integration environment of ConsenSys "Infura NFT API" for the first time in Japan.

Visual Voice Inc., (President: Tetsuya Bessho) which has a network of over 100,000 creators around the world through the International Short Film Festival, the Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA), and Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC (CEO: Masato Sase) of the Deloitte Tohmatsu Group which has a track record of business support in a wide range of industries through utilization of blockchain such as NFT, are pleased to inform that we will launch a creator’s support platform "Visual Voice Asset Platform (VVAP, tentative)” to coincide with the opening of SSFF & ASIA 2023 in June. In addition, the Beta version will be released in advance on April 27, 2023.

The creator’s support system, "Visual Voice Asset Platform (VVAP)" has been developed based on a project of Visual Voice which was announced in June last year with the aim of expanding the future growth and possibilities of creators, imagining new areas of activity and rebuilding points of contact with fans. This VVAP will support the activities of creators in all areas in the era of Web 3.0.

VVAP is centered on the asset management function that manages the content of creators in a distributed storage (IPFS: InterPlanetary File System) that can permanently store the content as assets, and the portfolio function that supports the promotion of creators and their works. Creating a system that allows direct access to the world-class international short film festival, “Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia” (SSFF & ASIA), will support improvement of the value of creators and their works, and there will be the NFT global cinema marketplace function that enables buying and selling distribution rights, screening rights, and public transmission rights. In addition, based on the network and know-how cultivated by SSFF & ASIA, we are planning to match creators with various creative needs of companies such as branding movies, support communities and DAOs that connect creators and fans, raise funds for production costs, and provide a fan token operation function and a content viewing environment in the online metaverse.

These functions will enable creators to centrally promote and monetize their content without using individual contracts for cloud storage or video distribution platforms.

Visual Voice Asset Platform (VVAP)

Starting with the NFT Global Cinema Market provided as a function of VVAP, legal and tax matters are essential for building a creator economy. With extensive experience and successes in utilizing blockchain technology Web3.0, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting, which is able to collaborate with Deloitte Tohmatsu Group's wide range of expertise in the fields of accounting, legal affairs, and tax departments, will support the construction of VVAP systems.

In addition, VVAP will introduce "Infura NFT API", a Web 3.0 service integration environment developed by ConsenSys, which also develops MetaMask, the world's leading self-custodial wallet, to provide highly reliable services to creators, companies, and viewers around the world.

Visual Voice President Tetsuya Bessho commented,

"Now is the time to finally realize the concept of the NFT global cinema market which was announced at the film festival in 2022. From the birth of a platform that fulfills the needs of creators from around the world who gather at film festivals, we can now envision the future image of the Web 3.0 era films.”

Masato Sase, CEO of Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting, also stated,

"The development of VVAP, which opens up the future for creators based on new technologies and values, is exactly what our company's slogan of 'Lead the way' means. With Deloitte Tohmatsu's diverse expertise, we will support an environment where creators around the world can fully utilize their talent."

About Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (SSFF & ASIA)

In 1999, actor Tetsuya Bessho, member of the Screen Actors Guild of America (SAG), has worked to introduce the then new genre, "short films," which he first encountered in the United States, to film fans in Japan as the American Short Shorts Film Festival.
In 2001, the festival was renamed the Short Shorts Film Festival.
In 2004, SSFF was recognized as an Academy Award® accredited film festival.
In the same year, with the aim of promoting new visual culture from Asia and nurturing up-and-coming young filmmakers, the Short Shorts Film Festival Asia (SSFF ASIA, co-sponsored by Tokyo Metropolitan Government) was established and the festival is now known collectively as SSFF & ASIA.
To commemorate the festival's 20th anniversary in 2018, the Grand Prix film was named the "George Lucas Award" in honor of director George Lucas.
In January 2019, the Short Shorts Film Festival in Hollywood was held to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the festival. Beginning with the 2019 festival, in addition to the Official Competitions (International, Asia International, and Japan), the Non-Fiction Competition and this year, the Animation Competition Best Short Award winners have also become eligible for nomination at the Academy Awards the following year.
SSFF & ASIA will continue to support young creators through the festival.
URL: https://www.shortshorts.org/index-en.php

About Visual Voice Inc.

Visual Voice develops a comprehensive short film brand, SHORTSHORTS. It’s film festival, “Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia” (SSFF & ASIA) held since 1999, is accredited by the Academy Awards® and is one of the largest international short film festivals in Asia. SHORTSHORTS leads the film culture through various means such as its screening events, film distribution, production and collaboration work with companies and administrative offices. The arrival of the new 5G era allows communication with greater data capacity. This means that people are able to enjoy high-quality video content and movies on their mobile devises such as smartphones. On the other hand, realistic film experiences, beyond the idea of a cinema, is increasingly emphasized. While supporting young creators through various activities and events, SHORTSHORTS broadens the field of short films.
URL: https://v-voice.jp/en/

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